This is a UK TV period mini-series aired in 2017 with 8 episodes played by Jodie Comer as Elizabeth of York and Jacob Collins-Levy as Henry VII, based on Philippa Gregory’s novel of the same name. The show revolves around the life of Elizabeth of York, who marries Henry VII to unite the warring Houses of Lancaster and York and begin the reign of the Tudors.
At the start of the series, Elizabeth is portrayed as an innocent and naive young lady who lives with her mother and siblings. She is arranged to marry Henry VII, and she agrees to the marriage for political reasons. However, she soon realizes that her mother has a scheme to use her marriage to revoke the House of York’s power.
Throughout the series, we see Elizabeth grow and evolve as a wife, mother, and Queen, as she navigates the complexities of her new life. Her son is the heir to the throne, and she must protect him and her family at all costs. Elizabeth learns to play the political game, stand up for herself, and to make tough decisions for the good of her family.
One of the things that stands out in the show is how the people in the mid-15th century were superstitious about witches and curses. This was a time when people believed in magic and the supernatural, and the show does an excellent job of portraying this aspect of the time period.
Overall, The White Princess is an engaging and compelling historical drama that provides insight into the life of Elizabeth of York and the Tudor dynasty. Jodie Comer’s performance as Elizabeth is exceptional, and she brings depth and nuance to the character.
Watching The White Princess reminds us of how much people can evolve based on their experiences. Elizabeth starts off as a naive and innocent young lady, but she learns and grows throughout the series, becoming a formidable queen who will do anything to protect her family. It also shows that sometimes we must make tough decisions for the greater good, even if it means sacrificing our own desires.
In conclusion, The White Princess is a well-made and well-acted show that provides insight into the lives of the people who shaped England’s history.