MBTI (16 Personalities Test)

While our personality type may provide insight into our strengths, weaknesses, and behaviours, it may vary over time. Sometimes, we may not even realize we’ve become a certain type of person. But as time passes, with increased maturity, our personality may become more stable and well-defined. Despite these variations, understanding our personality type can be …

Life of Pi

The acclaimed novel by Yann Martel and its subsequent movie adaptation directed by Ang Lee is a story that has captivated and inspired audiences around the world. It is a story of survival and resilience, as it follows the journey of a young boy named Pi who is shipwrecked on a lifeboat in the Pacific …


This is a TV short film from the UK that debuted in 2021, based on the actual situation of local care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. It revealed the helplessness and frustration of care workers, who without receive enough help from the government and have to deal with everything on their own. Starring Jodie Comer …